Early in Advent of 2006, we held Jazz on the Lawns at Nunyara Conference Centre, Belair. We had 100 people or so on the lawns that slope down the hill from the front of the main building, eating picnics, or meat from the bbq put on by Nunyara, and icecreams. Later, people could buy coffee from a group supporting refugees in South Australia. Kids (big ones and small) could have their faces painted. And in the background, the sun slowly slid toward the horizon, drawing its red, orange, yellow, purple tail behind it, over the city of Adelaide. Magic. And of course, there was live jazz.
Liz Chehade (now Tobias) brought a group of friends, and they played superbly as usual. To be out of the warm late afternoon sun, they played in the shade of some of the trees.
Vincent's Chair also played beautifully from the balcony of the main building.
Looking back, there are things we'd do differently. Set up some shade for the musical instruments. bring the people and the bands closer together. Not have a drama. advertise the availability of coffee, and who the proceeds support. advertise other foods for sale.
Still, the response was positive, the jazz was excellent, and people had a good time. It's certainly a great way to connect with the wider community, as many who came had little or no connection to the Blackwood Uniting Church community. We would do things differently, though.